Zero K Designs is an independent consulting firm created by Paul D. Levine B.Sc, M.Sc. (Physics). Originally conceived as an adjunct to an Aerospace and high technology career spanning more than 30 years, it is now a full time endeavor. Zero K Designs draws from Mr Levine's extensive experience in Cryogenic and Vacuum Technology. Application of this expertise has enabled the design and implemetation of systems for the full realization of the ITS-90 (via fixed points), the Quantized Hall Effect resistance and Josephson Junction Voltage standards and an original design for a system to calibrate high vacuum gages at the primary level.
Zero K Designs now offers dedicated support services in the areas of
Thermometric, Pressure and Vacuum measurements and calibration.
Mr. Levine has published more than a dozen papers related to
the industrial applications of Primary Standards technology and precision
measurement techniques incorporating some original and innovative ideas.(List of Publications).
Many years of operational and systems integration experience from Gravity Probe B to MILSTAR allows Zero K to provide practical insight to the design and implementation of complex systems. The more formal aspects of process development, requirements definition and related documentation can also be knowledgeably addressed.
If you are in need of designs offering a high degree of technical know-how coupled with a big picture view, Zero K Designs can provide you with a "Ground State Solution".
Mr. Levine has also studied Martial Arts and Yoga for well over 35 years. An abiding interest in the Physics underlying these disciplines has lead to an ongoing and ever evolving series of lectures on "The Physics of the Human Body".
Feel free
to e-mail questions on any of the above subjects, we're happy to help!
Zero K Designs
A Systems Based Perspective